Feb. 25-26 On-Farm Research Mtgs.

Feb. 25-26 On-Farm Research Mtgs.

Farm operators and agronomists from across the state will obtain valuable crop production-related information from on-farm research projects conducted on Nebraska farms by Nebraska farmers in partnership with University of Nebraska faculty. These research projects cover products, practices, and new technologies that impact farm productivity and profitability.

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is a statewide, on-farm research program that addresses critical farmer production, profitability and natural resources questions. Growers take an active role in the onfarm research project sponsored by Nebraska Extension in with the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff, and the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission.

The February programs will provide an opportunity to hear growers who conducted on-farm research share their results from the 2020 growing season. Field length replicated treatment comparisons were completed in growers’ fields, using their equipment. On February 25th, in-person meetings will be held at Auburn, Beatrice, and Wahoo in southeast Nebraska. On February 26th in-person meetings in southeast Nebraska will be held in Nebraska City, Seward and Wilber. Programs start with 8:3o a.m. check in and conclude at 12:30 p.m. Visit https://go.unl.edu/2021onfarmresearch for registration, details and program updates.

Pre-registration is required. Walkin registration will not be permitted. Early registration is encouraged due to capacity limitations at each location. Once a location is full, it will no longer be listed as a registration option. Please pre-register for in-person training at least two days in advance for planning purposes.

In-person meetings will only be held if local and UNL directed health measures allow and if are trayel. If a meeting is cancelled, registered participants will be notified via email, phone, or text message.

Facial coverings/masks guidelines may vary on measures. For information about the COVID-related health measures that will be in place at each meeting, please contact the local site host. Contact information available on the website.

For more information and general inquires about Nebraska On-Farm Research Network, contact Laura Thompson, Nebraska On-Farm Research Network & Ag Technology Extension Educator at onfarm@unl.edu or 402-245-2224. https://cropwatch.unl.edu/on-farm-research

Nemaha County Herald

PO Box 250
Auburn, NE 68305
PH: (402) 274-3185
FAX: (402) 274-3273